From The President - By Mike Piccirilli
Not much new to share this month. Todd is doing his annual "due diligence" to find us the most cost effective insurance solution. Randy has scheduled the annual to be done at C&D on April 29th. Note: that C&D has moved to the Greenfield Airport by Troy, MO. Randy has also asked for help washing the plane prior to the annual. John is working with a painter to get the nose wheel fairing re-done so it can be installed at the annual (or shortly thereafter). Happy Landings!
With the low payments (from low flying the previous month), and higher fuel charges (from more flying this past month), the Adjusted Treasury took a step back, from $1558 to $1400. That's still above what it was in February, and will hopefully more than cover the Annual. Based on a recent fuel charge, it looks like the cost of fuel at Spirit has gone up 10 cents, to $2.75/gallon. This will bump up the hourly rate another dollar to $54 on the next bill.
Maintenance - by John Heilmann & Randy Skyles Annual Inspection - The annual inspection was completed on Saturday April 30. The paper work was completed on Sunday, but the winds were too gusty to move the plane back to Spirit. Nothing major was found during the annual but the compression on cylinders 1 and 3 are reading around 60. The leakage is past the rings which is not as bad as leakage past the exhaust valves. We will check the readings in a few months to see if it was a ring gap alignment problem. A full annual report will be provided in next months newsletter. Birds Nest - Last year at this time, Randy reported that a bird had made a nest in the cowl. Keep an eye out for signs of bird nests during your preflights over the next few months. PAST NEWSLETTERS - Newsletter Archive