St. Louis Flying Club Newsletter - 28 April 2019 |
From The President - By Steve
Greetings Members:
I hope you all have marked your calendars for our meeting May 4th. Take a look at the agenda Mike sent and try and plan some time after the meeting for socializing and lunch courtesy of John Waddell. John Heilmann will have plenty of information on new avionics products and Geoff will have results from the Oshkosh lottery. Please let Mike know if you can’t make the meeting.
John and Larry are wrapping up the annual on the RV and it will come out with new steps, ADS-B, heated pitot and a lot of the wiring in place to complete previously approved upgrades this Fall. We will soon have all 3 planes available for the great flying weather coming in May.
As we look forward to May don’t forget the aerobatic contest in Salem the weekend of May 18/19. It’s a chance to see some neat airplanes and some great flying. Salem (KSLO) is only 80 miles to the East and would be a great alternative to the “$100 hamburger” trip.
I look forward to seeing you May 4th! Safe Flying,

Treasurer's Report - by T.J
Fellow Members,
Attached below are our 4/15/19 financial schedules; don’t hesitate to call with questions. Blue Skies
Billing Statement
Notable Items:
- Overall Cash – Cash is strong at $23,000.
- Avionics – As we have spent on buying items for the RV, the fund has been used faster than the $300 per month we put in. We do anticipate this catching up at some point in the future, the offset with the decrease in cash has been the increase in major work.
- Major Work – Major work has increased as described above, when the RV improvements are completed, this will become part of the RV valuation.
The new rates went into effect in April. This is here as a reminder and will be removed next month.
This is left in here as we made a change in March. It did not change in April.

Maintenance - by John 
N202CR RV-7A
- Condition Inspection - Work on the RV continued this month with the following items completed or are in work:
- Nose wheel fairing - The brackets holding the nose wheel fairing were found cracked and new redesigned stronger brackets from Vans Aircraft were installed.
- Wheel Pant Repair - The fiberglass wheel pants were repaired and will be repainted.
- New Brake Pads - The LH and RH brake pads were replaced with new brake pads.
- Rudder Pedal Pads - Rudder pedal pads were added to make it easier to use the rudder pedals with accidentally actuating the brakes.
- GMU-11 Magnetometer - The Magnetometer for the G3X was mounted under the rudder fairing in the aft fuselage. It will be connected to the G3X when it is installed later this year.
- OAT Temperature Probe - The OAT probe was mounted in the old Pitot Probe hole and will be connected to the G3X when it is installed. The OAT input will provide True Airspeed on the G3X.
- Pitot/AOA Probe - The new heated Pitot/AOA probe were added to the left wing. A Pitot Heater switch was added to the cockpit switch panel. The AOA probe lines will be connected to the G3X when it is installed.
- Avionics Bus - The GNS-430W was added to the Avionics bus and 3 additional circuit breakers were added, One for COM 1, one for GPS/NAV, and one for the GDL-82.
- G-Meter - A loaned G-Meter was added to the lower left corner of the instrument panel to provide G information until the G3X is installed.
N20843 Cessna 172M
- Oil/Filter Change - The oil and filter were changed on 17 April. The Oil analysis results were very good. The winter oil cooler restrictor plate was removed with the sustained warmer weather.
N2242N Piper Arrow IV
- Tire and Tube replacement - The left hand tire and tube were replaced on April 17th. The Left hand brake pads were also replaced.
Copyright © 2018, St. Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated April 2019