St. Louis Flying Club Newsletter - 30 August 2020

From The President - By Steve

Dear Members,

I would like to welcome Bill Carrier as the newest member of the club. Bill purchased John Addy's share and is looking forward to getting checked out in the RV. Congratulations to Jeffrey Evitts for completing his RV checkout with Todd Michal.

Lately I have heard of two hour stories of aircraft avionics being damaged because of improper cleaning. Under no circumstances should disinfectant wipes be used to wipe down flat screens in out planes. Garmin recommends cleaning their products with a soft cloth dampened with 70/90% isopropyl alcohol solution. Please contact John Heilmann for any questions on cleaning the screens.

Earlier this month, Geoff Gallaway arranged a teleconference with our insurance broker where the officers were able to review our coverage and look for ways to minimize future expenses. Some of the issues discussed included how rates were affected by the number of members per plane, average age of the members, type of aircraft, member ratings and currency. We will have more detailed information at the Fall meeting.

After the last newsletter was issued, I appointed Mike Piccirilli to fill the Chief Pilot vacancy. "PIC" has done a great job as one of the club's check pilots and has held various officer positions in the past. It was most generous of him to agree to serve again!

Safe flying!


Treasurer's Report - by T.J

Fellow Members,

Attached below are our the August financial schedules; don’t hesitate to call with questions.

Blue Skies




Significant Discussions

  • Avionics Fund - We purchased the G3X and other items for the Arrow upgrade resulting in a cash outlay of $18k The remainder of the amount approved by the vendors will be spent as the actual work is performed
  • Other Improvement Funds - We are no longer funding these as we experienced a significant increase in insurance and elected to not raise dues.
  • Maintenance Funds - No maintenance funds are negative
  • Overall Cash - This will build $3k to $4k per month and we expect it to be sufficient to pay taxes and insurance at the end of the year.
  • Major Work - The guy that bought the 430 on EBay backed out so we are trying again. However, we have left the valuation at $6,250 for the time being. The remainder represents that Arrow upgrade. /UL>


    • As a reminder to the membership, we reimburse ourselves for our club as follows:
      • Improvements - Monthly/Annual Fixed charges – non-aircraft expense = Dues and Assessments
      • Aircraft Operation and Maintenance = Rate per Hour

   Maintenance - by John

N202CR RV-7A

  • Brake Fluid Leak - On 1 Aug, Steve reported that there was a puddle of brake fluid under the RH tire. We replaced the RH brake cylinder O-ring and honed the brake cylinder bore. We also replaced the RH and LH brake discs which were nearing minimum thickness. The brakes were bled and the aircraft returned to service on 2 Aug.

N20843 Cessna 172

    No Maintenance Items this month -

N2242N Piper Arrow IV

  • No Maintenance Items this month

Copyright © 2018, St. Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated August 2020 .
