St. Louis Flying Club Newsletter - 31 August 2022 |
From The President - By Steve
Dear Members,
I hope everyone had a great time over the Labor Day weekend. While not
officially the end of summer it always seemed to signal an end to the crazy
hot weather. I was fortunate enough to spend my holiday with the family at
a beach house on Lake Michigan and the icing on that cake was flying there
in the Arrow. A fair amount of IMC made me appreciate our avionics and the IPC
I did with Mike Mahoney!
Congratulations to Charlie Royce for getting his Commercial Multi Engine rating At VSL Aviation in Russellville, Arkansas on September 1st. Here are a few photos from his training flights. Upper Left - Simulated single engine approach, Lower Left - Steep Turns, Right - Right engine feathered.
The officers are getting together this month in preparation for our Fall club meeting.
If anyone has an agenda item for the meeting let me know. We should have a date
coming out in the next couple of weeks.

Treasurer's Report - by T.J
- No major changes this month, although fuel prices rose again.
- Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.
- John renewed all of our GPS subscriptions at Oshkosh so we are good for the next year;
- Thanks to Larry for purchasing and installing a new battery on the Cessna tug;
- All of the maintenance funds are sufficient into the foreseeable future;

Maintenance - by John 
N202CR RV-7A
- Windshield Scratch - A windshield scratch was reported on the RV that wasn't noticed on his previous flight a month ago. Please be careful on what is placed up on the glareshield (applies to all club aircraft) to prevent scratching the windshield. It would be best not to put anything up on the glareshield as it doesn't take much to make a scratch. There is not much we can do at this point as trying to blend out a scratch on the inside of a curved windshield is very difficult and will likely end up distorting the pilots view which is worse than the scratch.
- Canopy Leak - When flying through rain, a high pressure area behind the canopy forces water to run forward along the center canopy rail and into the baggage area. A search of the Vans Aircraft forum shows this is a common problem and owners have tried various seals/plugs to try and prevent it. Larry and I will try some seals/plug to try and seal out the rain.
N20843 Cessna 172M
- Oil Change - On Aug 9th, Larry changed the oil and filter and added 7 Its Phillips X/C 20W50 and 11 oz of Camguard. There was no metal in the filter and oil sample analysis was good. The compression test results were #1 - 73/80, #2- 78/80, #3 - 73/80 and #4 - 75/80. The lower spark plugs were cleaned and gapped.
N2242N Piper Arrow IV
- No Maintenance Actions this month
Copyright © 2018, St. Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated August 2022