Dear Members, I brought up in my June letter the idea of having a .5 minimum fIying time per month to raise additional funds for the treasury as well as an incentive to keep the members current. I got feedback from 3 other members, all of it positive so you'll see it take effect starting this statement. For you members that haven't been flying recently, there is some equipment not working I'll pass on. The #1 NAV (VOR/ILS), electric turn coordinator gyro, and auto-pilot (not a new problem but wanted to remind everyone) are in-operative. This is no problem for VFR but makes the airplane illegal for IFR. I thought I would wait a bit to get the treasury in better shape before these problems are fixed. Bill tells me the turn coordinator and auto-pilot problems are probably linked and estimates their repair to be about $600. I think the auto-pilot should be fixed as soon as the treasury can stand it. I'm told that the magneto warrenty claim is still being processed, cross your fingers. Charlie has sent me a notice that the next court date is scheduled for Sept. 3. The State of Missouri passed an aviation fund tax on 100 LL AVGAS to replace the highway tax which used to be refunded once a year. This used to bring about $50 to the treasury, no more! I'm told there is still a $.09/gal. refund on 80 octane (lf you can find any) and an $.11/gal. refund on Auto Fuel. Fill up on Auto Fuel whenever you can! I've attached two enclosures. Anyone interested in a Poker Run, August 24? The oll analysis on the last oil change showed chrome a bit higher but still nothing to worry about. Happy Landings, Mike Piccirilli
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