From The President - By Mike Piccirilli
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Thanks Randy for replacing the beacon switch. The transponder issue that Marlin squawked has not reappeared, that I know of. Please make note of any maintenance issues in the aircraft log and e-mail the rest of us (the e-mail seems like a great way to let us all know of issues quickly). I'd also like to thank Todd for having Boeing added to the insurance policy. Unfortunately, my December trip fell through, but hopefully this will allow the members who work at Boeing to make additional use of our club asset. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years! Hope the weather is good over the holidays to allow everyone a chance to go flying!! Happy Landings!
The Adjusted Treasury took a nice jump, from $473 to $687, putting us slightly ahead of what we want saved for the Annual. With my training for the commercial license, I thought I might hit the max $250 rebate on the AOPA credit card this year, but it worked out that my total rebate for the year was $248.xx, just under the max.
Maintenance - by John Heilmann Randy replaced the beacon switch and the beacon now operates correctly. No other maintenance actions to report.
See how much you remember from your FAA Private Pilot and Instrument Rating Written Test by taking a quick 10 question test. Submit your answers and you will receive the correct answers and your score. (Don't worry, only you see the test results and your score.) This is a quick and easy way to keep familiar with the FARs. Use the links below and try to get a 100%: The links above take you to Kip's FAA written Test Preparation Site. This site can be found directly at: PAST NEWSLETTERS - Newsletter Archive