From The President - By Todd Michal
Dear Members, it took a bit longer than planned, but the club has completed the purchase of a second plane, a 1979 Arrow IV. Checkout the pictures of the ferry flight back to St. Louis in the Photo Gallery link! John, Dale and Bob installed the engine heater and also installed a new Alternator Radio Filter. The plane is now in service and ready for flight. Pic, Dale and I are checked out in the Arrow and are ready to start checking out club members. I expect the plane will be busy over the next few months, with members building hours to meet the insurance requirements, so plan ahead to get your time on the schedule. The 172 has been running great and is seeing plenty of action. With the Spring flying weather fast approaching, it is great to have two planes available for scheduling. Response to the club expansion has been very good. Over the past two months we have added four new members Chris Tebbe, Mike Piccirilli, Dale Hiltner, and Bob Zbylut and we are in the process of adding a 5th member. That only leaves three remaining shares to bring the club to the planned maximum of 16 members. If you know of anyone that would like to join the club, let them know that the remaining slots will go fast. Happy Takeoffs!. Happy Takeoffs! Todd
The February billing statement reflects the club expansion to two aircraft and 16 members, with four membership slots currently open. Changes include information for each aircraft (both from an operating and escrow standpoint), and revised calculations of member equity. If you have any questions with the reported numbers, please send me a note and I'll try to clarify. Flight hours for the month were just over 10 hours in the 172, and 1 hour in the Arrow. Fuel prices remained level, which kept our flight rate at $63 for the 172; Arrow flight rate is $85 per hour. Major disbursements were made during the past month related to the purchase of the Arrow. We also purchased a revised insurance policy for both aircraft. I've included a summary of the club Equity and Loan balances in this month's statement, and will continue to track those until all shares are sold and the loan is paid in full. Fly safely! Mike
Maintenance - by John N20843