From The President - By Charley
Members: Looks like mother nature has continued to put a damper on activity over the last month with just a handful of good days to take advantage of. I’m glad to see that both planes were up at one point in the month however flight hours were just over 10 for February. I know we are all looking forward to some better weather and it looks like that just might be breaking soon. As mentioned last month, I am excited to introduce St. Louis Flying Club's inaugural season of Capture the Runway! A league to encourage us all to fly more often, fly with fellow club members and explore new airports. Please see the Official Website and navigate to the "Rules" page to read about the concept and proposed organization. A special thanks goes to T.J. Smyka for concept, configuration and the monitoring system and to Pic for significant contributions in refining the details regarding the structure of the league. The current plan is to run the league from April 1 through September 30 so it should give us a chance for good weather and time for you all to check out the details. Please direct any questions/comments directly to Thomas Smyka and if you have any improvement suggestions, please be sure to get those in prior to April 1st. The thing I really like about the league is that it gives everyone the opportunity to participate with any member of their choosing and is completely voluntary. Participate as much or as little as you like depending upon your schedule and or interest level. I do hope that everyone has a chance to embrace the fun, bonding and education opportunities presented by flying with each other and participating in the league. Be on the lookout for regular updates. We hope to have a proposed date for a May meeting out soon, please be thinking about which Saturday would work best for you in the month. Here is hoping for a continued warm-up! Best regards and safe flights, Charley
Members, Fuel snuck back up by $.16 raising the hourly costs to $77 for the Cessna and $101 for the Arrow. Dues stay the same at $121 per month. On Share Value, I forgot to add the "annual bill" adjustment in the January calculation so the corrected value for January is $10,649 and February is $10,667. I've completed our corporation tax return for 2013 and mailed it in to the IRS. I've done some analysis of last years flying and maintenance costs that I think you'll find interesting. I'll provide more details and discussion at our May meeting. Aircraft Flight Hours (Per Year)
Hourly Maintenance Costs (Average Per Year)
Cessna Maintenance Costs
Arrow Maintenance Costs
Here is the Wings of Hope thank you note for our $100 donation. ![]() Fly Safely! PIC
Maintenance - by John N20843