From The President - By Charley
Dear Members: Please join me is welcoming Kevin Gause to our club. Kevin is eager to get started and has already completed a 172 checkout. Please say hello if you see him and make yourself available for any questions he may have. Welcome Kevin! Thanks to Dom, Geoff, and Kip for working to get our internet service, hangar cameras, and IRIS Engine Heater controls back up and running again. The speed of the our new service is much faster and seems to be more reliable than our previous service. Thanks to you all for your quick and enthusiastic support of the dues and hourly rate changes proposed by. You will see some further explanation from T.J. below but it looks like this is going to work very well for us and will put us in good financial condition for many years to come. As you all know, our purpose as a club is to provide benefit, education and enjoyment to its members at a minimum cost. Financial decisions are always a balance between the long term health of the club and cost to members. I feel confident that this change will continue to make us attractive to potential members and keep our future assessments to a minimum. If you have any questions about the changes please drop T.J. a note directly or let me know. Tim Volk is working on scheduling a club meeting in May, you should see the date soon. He is scheduling early help everyone plan to be present. As a reminder, the officers get together a few weeks before the club meeting to develop an agenda taking into account questions or suggestions from members. If you have a suggestion or proposal you would like to have added to the agenda for our May meeting, please get it to myself or any one of the officers before the beginning of April so we can make sure it gets added to the agenda. Some of you may have seen a “club breakfast” on aircraft calendars for today. T.J. coordinated a fly out to Sparta for breakfast on Sunday (photo of our aircraft at Sparta below). Keep in mind that anyone can pick a date to do something like that via email to the club as a great way to fly together with a destination in mind. If you have an idea of a place and a date I suggest you send it out to the group and you will typically have a great group of people to attend with you! Lastly, I’m not sure if you all know this or not but one of our newest members, John Housley serves in many capacities with the local IAC chapter 61. Since we have a few members who have become interested in aerobatics with the addition of our Citabria, I thought you might like to know that John just put together a new website for IAC Chapter 61. It looks like there are no limits on membership for those of you aspiring aerobatic pilots out there and there are some interesting pilots in the chapter. I suggest you contact John Housley if anyone is interested in more information or would like to attend an event. Safe skies, Charley
Fellow Members, Attached is the February 15, 2017 billing statement that encompasses the new dues and flight rates. I hope that the cash breakout is easy to follow in showing how much we have escrowed for future use. Please note that the treasury cash is now negative as we paid our 2017 insurance premiums and we have “borrowed” cash from the other escrow funds to make the payment. It should be noted that we recover these amounts through dues and we expect the negative amount to correct itself by mid-year. Please don’t hesitate to call with questions. Fly safe! TJ
Maintenance - by John N8746V Citabria 7ECA
N20843 Cessna 172M Oil Change - The oil and filter were changed on 18 January and the oil analysis report shows all readings are normal. Beacon - The Aeroflash tail beacon was replaced with a new Whelen Beacon that draws much less current and eliminates the beacon noise we used to hear in our headphones. Engine Monitor - The EDM-730 engine monitor was reinstalled at an angle to improve view of the screen. Photo below shows engine monitor installed at 5 degree up angle. N2242N Piper Arrow IV Engine - The oil and filter were changed on 13 February and an oil sample was sent in for analysis. The filter was cut open and there were no metal particles. We are continuing to use Mineral Oil in the Arrow until the next oil change.