St. Louis Flying Club Newsletter - 29 February 2020 |
From The President - By Steve
Dear Members,
I am happy to announce interest in the club remains high as we continue to receive applications. I have done several hangar tours this Winter and everyone has been impressed with the airplanes, the facilities, and the way the finances are handled. Thanks to the work TJ puts into the financial documents any questions about share value are easily answered and the airplanes speak for themselves.
There will soon be a date for our club meeting sometime in May. Prior to that the officers will meet to set an agenda so if there is something you want on that agenda please let me know.
With the days getting longer, a time change next week and some better weather coming I am looking forward to logging a few more hours in March. Hope to see some of you around the airport.
Safe flying!

Treasurer's Report - by T.J
Fellow Members,
Attached below are our February financial schedules; don’t hesitate to call with questions.
Blue Skies
Notable Items:
- We continue to make progress on the RV upgrade. Note that we currently have the plane valued at $84,590 and have thus far invested $23,295 in the improvements. We are getting near the end of the spend and we still expect to receive between $6,000 and $7,000 in the sale of old avionics. As such, the RV will be valued at about $101,885 ($84,590 + $23,295 – $6,000) which would be supported by the used aircraft market. We currently have the plane insured for $95,000 so a small change may be warranted, if we so elect.
- As a reminder to the membership, we reimburse ourselves for our club as follows:
- Improvements - Monthly/Annual Fixed charges – non-aircraft expense = Dues and Assessments
- Aircraft Operation and Maintenance = Rate per Hour
- We updated the rates as of 9/15/19; there will be no changes until 3/15/2020 at which point the officers will need to discuss the treatment of the significant increase in insurance premiums. As a reminder, we currently pay dues as follows:

Maintenance - by John 
N202CR RV-7A
- Condition Inspection/Avionics Upgrade - Work continues on the avionics upgrade and condition inspection. Wiring for the all the new avionics is about 80% complete. In the top photo below, you can see that the wiring behind the pilot side panel is mostly complete while the wiring on the RH side still needs to be terminated to the circuit breakers and GAD-27 remote mounted LRU. The Garmin Roll servo has been installed in the RH wing and will be wired up this week. Once the wiring behind the panel is complete, we will start installing the Copilot brakes and rudder pedal extensions.
The trays for the new avionics were fitted and the mounting holes drilled into the side rails. Once the wiring is complete, the avionics can be installed and configured.
During installation of the new engine heater cylinder bands, we found that some of the baffling was worn and cracked where it sits on the cylinder fins as shown in the bottom photo. This is fairly typical with baffles over time and Larry is working on a doubler repair to fix this area.
N20843 Cessna 172M
- No Maintenance Actions this month
N2242N Piper Arrow IV
- Oil and Filter Change On February 16, the oil and filter were changed. Oil filter inspection and oil analysis results were normal.
- Arrow Annual Inspection We plan to start the Arrow Annual Inspection on April 1st. We blocked off a week and a half on the schedule for the annual inspection.
Copyright © 2018, St. Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated February 2020