From The President - By Todd Michal
Dear Members, It was good to see you all again at the annual meeting. It has been exciting to watch the transformation of the plane from a warn 1970Õs model into a modern Ògood as newÓ bird. Our decision to repaint the plane will finish this transformation. We will need to finalize the color and design for the paint job in the next few weeks, so if you have a suggestion for the design, please get it in soon. The minutes from the meeting will be included in next months newsletter. My trip to Texas went off without a hitch. The new avionics were great (my wife even enjoyed playing with the GPS!). We put eighteen hours on the plane and had great weather. ' After many years of good use and several repairs by several member's wives, our old cowl plugs have been replaced. John purchased new plugs embroidered with the plane N number. Happy Takeoffs! Todd
We are now paying $4.20 per gallon at JetCorp, which matches Millionair. It's actually set at retail minus 80 cents. If the Millionair price goes up, JetCorp will raise our price along with it.
Maintenance - by John Fuel Step and Handle Kit - At the annual meeting, Mike McBride asked about the possibility of adding the fuel step and handle kit to our aircraft. There is a kit available (AK172-168J for roughly $500 that adds steps to the lower fuselage and struts and handles to the upper fuselage. The installation takes about 15 hours as doublers are required to distribute the loads. Even with doublers, these installations are prone to cracking and Cessna has issued a service bulletin (SEB 05-2) to inspect for fuselage and skin cracks near the steps. With the cost and significant installation effort required, it is probably best to use the small folding ladder we have or get a smaller, more portable ladder to carry in the baggage compartment if needed.
For the paint colors, these designs would use Jet Glow Matterhorn white for the overall aircraft and the following accent colors. The Khaki color matches the interior color and goes well with the blue and red shades. These colors on were scanned off of the Jetglow color charts and converted to a jpg so they don't match exactly but are close enough to get an idea what they will look like.