St. Louis Flying Club Newsletter - 29 January 2022 |
From The President - By Steve
Dear Members,
Our new insurance coverage is in effect and while offering more lenient
checkout requirements in the Arrow and RV the downside is an increase in
the deductible. The deductible on the Arrow is now $5000 and the RV and
172 are $2500. If you are interested in insurance to cover the deductible
there are policies available. As an AOPA member I have a policy with
Assured Partners Aerospace that will cover the $5000 deductible and provide
$500k/$50k for bodily injury and property damage. While the policy is titled
as non-owned aircraft it is available to equity club members that don't have
more than a 20% share in the planes. My premium seemed reasonable at
Apparently a disabled fuel truck has prevented Signature from providing fuel
at the hangar and now the self serve pump so keep that in mind when doing
your flight planning. Aero Charter generally has reasonable fuel prices but
charge a fee to come to our hangar. You can always taxi onto their ramp for
a top off. If I get an update on the fuel situation I will let you know.
Beth and I have flown down to Cape Girardeau Regional Airport (KCGI) located 100.2 NM SSE from KSUS to check out the Pilot House Restaurant. Located in the terminal building, the restaurant is open for lunch and dinner six days a week (closed Monday). If you are looking for a new airport restaurant to try, this is a good location.
Check out the new strobes John and Larry installed on the RV. They look great
and should require very little maintenance going forward.

Treasurer's Report - by T.J
- Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2023 is a great flying year for all.
- Fuel decreased slightly which helps the maintenance funds. Hours were low, so no much movement.
- Please be sure to verify all of your numbers and don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.
- We had a reduction in insurance this year and we have made payment. As such, the "Treasury-Insurance" shows as a negative with the offset showing in "Prepaid Assets". Throughout the year, both balances amortize and will become $0 in the December billing statement.
- We have plenty of cash to operate into the foreseeable future, but as a friendly reminder, the club approved a $1,500 assessment that will become payable in the late spring of 2023, depending on engine delivery; and
- Don't hesitate to let me know if there are any questions.

Maintenance - by John 
N202CR RV-7A
- Wingtip Navigation/Strobe Lights - The RH strobe light failed to operate on 14 January. We ordered a replacement strobe light bulb but it turned out that the right hand Aeroflash 152-0011 power supply had failed. With the replacement A490TCCF power supply costing $845.00, we decided to install a new set of Aeroleds Pulsar NSP lights (photo below) to the RH and LH wingtips which cost less than the one power supply ($836.00). Aircraft Spruce gave us a refund on the Strobe Light Bulb we returned. The new lights save over 2.5 lbs of weight. The good power supply from the left wing and two good strobe light bulbs will be kept as spares for the Cessna which uses the same power supply and strobe bulbs.
N20843 Cessna 172M
- Garmin Service Bulletin 22123 Rev A - Complied with Garmin service Bulletin 22123 Rev A by installing G5 Software version 8.02 and enabling the GFC-500 Pitch Trim Servo. The Pitch trim servo now works normally.
N2242N Piper Arrow IV
- Garmin Service Bulletin 22123 Rev A - Complied with Garmin service Bulletin 22123 Rev A by installing G3X Software version 9.02 and enabling the GFC-500 Pitch Trim Servo. The Pitch trim servo now works normally.
Copyright © 2018, St. Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated January 2023