St. Louis Flying Club Newsletter - 27 June 2020 |
From The President - By Steve
Dear Members,
June is almost in the books and a look at the schedules shows the RV & Cessna flying on a regular basis and the Arrow a little behind. Probably not bad considering the Covid issues and not many members going on longer trips. I was able to take the Arrow to Chicago Midway the first week in June. It was a smooth flight with great views of the lake and downtown while landing and taking off runway 4. Midway was a ghost town compared to last year with almost no planes on the ramp at Atlantic and not many of the blue Southwest jets at the main terminal. Downtown Chicago didn't look so good up close with businesses on Michigan Avenue and State Street looted.
The FAA has given a 3 month extension on medicals that expire March thru September so check out the AOPA site if you want more information. This does not apply to Basic Med. Geoff is doing a nice job with the member status page so please keep him updated with your latest medical and flight review info.
Congratulations to Rick Hoyt on completing his checkout in the RV with John Housley.
Safe flying!

Treasurer's Report - by T.J
Fellow Members,
Attached below are our the June financial schedules; don’t hesitate to call with questions.
Blue Skies
Nothing worth discussion; let me know if you have any questions.
- As a reminder to the membership, we reimburse ourselves for our club as follows:
- Improvements - Monthly/Annual Fixed charges – non-aircraft expense = Dues and Assessments
- Aircraft Operation and Maintenance = Rate per Hour

Maintenance - by John 
N202CR RV-7A
- Oil and Filter Change - On June 26th, the oil and filter were changed. The oil sample was sent in for analysis.
- Brake Pad Change - On June 26th, we also replaced the left and right brake pads and serviced all the tires with air.
- RV Cover - We now have a cover for the RV that should be taken and used when parking the RV outside on trips. It will keep the sun off the avionics and help keep the rain out of the cockpit. The cover goes on the RV with the Red and blue corners on the back of the wing and the blue corners on the front of the wing. The cover is stored in a black fabric container (shown on wing in picture below) kept on the plastic storage cabinet on the right side of RV hangar.
N20843 Cessna 172
- Autopilot Servo - On a flight on June 24th, the autopilot turned off in flight and a message on the G5 indicated there was a hardware fault with the pitch servo. The servo fault message was duplicated on the ground. We also had a hardware fault message on the G5 HSI indicating there was a problem with the G5 HSI. It seemed to work OK but the wind speed and direction was not displaying on the HSI like it should. After a call to Garmin, we removed the Pitch Servo and G5 HSI and sent them to Garmin for exchange units. We hope to receive the exchange units back from Garmin the week of July 6th and reinstall them.
- Wheel pant Fairing replacement - While the Cessna was down for the autopilot servo, we replaced the Left and Right Wheel pant fairings that were cracked. The new fiberglass fairings were installed and the attach holes were drilled to match the existing holes. Larry also removed a previous wheel pant internal repair doubler that was coming loose and installed a new fiberglass doubler.
N2242N Piper Arrow IV
- No Maintenance Items this month
Copyright © 2018, St. Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated May 2020