St. Louis Flying Club Newsletter - 30 June 2024 |
From The President - By Steve
Dear Members,
It has been a long time with just one airplane but that is about to end as the engine swap and Condition Inspection on the RV has been completed. The engine break in flights should be completed and the aircraft returned to service by July 12th. Thanks to John, Larry, Damian, and anyone else assisting with the engine installation!
As the RV and then the Arrow come back on line please keep in mind the difference between currency and proficiency. If you don’t have many hours in the plane, or haven’t
flown much lately, consider taking along a CFI. It is a good way to not only “knock the rust off” but maybe gain some new skills or break some bad habits.
I hope everyone has a great Independence Day celebration and I look forward
to seeing you around the hangar.

Treasurer's Report - by T.J
- The Cessna flew 40 hours this month! Quite a bit of hours; thanks everyone for sending in their receipts and please ensure that you throughly review your data. Please reach out with any questions or concerns.
- Cash - As discussed last month we expect a low level of cash for some time until we get all of the planes flying again.
- Aircraft Valuations - We will continue to hold the RV and Arrow flat until we place them back into service..

Maintenance - by John 
N202CR RV-7A
- Engine Installation - The overhauled engine arrived from Signature on June 6th and was installed on June 7th. After the engine installation, all of the new fuel and oil hoses were fabricated, pressure tested and installed. Based on lycoming eliminating variable timing with their electronic magnetos, we removed the manifold pressure input to our Surefly Magneto and set it up for fixed timing. We are using Aeroshell 100 mineral oil in the RV for engine break-in. If you have to add oil, use Aeroshell 100 mineral oil until further notice.

- Condition Inspection - The engine was test ran on July 26th and carburetor control adjustments made. The condition inspection and IFR Transponder/altimeter test were completed and signed off on 27 June. Thanks to Larry and Damian for working to complete the engine and exhaust system installation while I was on my Alaska Cruise. Once the engine break-in flights have been completed, the RV will be returned to service.

- RV Tug - The electric EZ Tow tug previously used on the Cessna is now set up for use with the RV. Larry added aluminum wear plates to the RV nose wheel pant to help prevent paint/fiberglass damage during installation and removal of the tug. Please be careful when hooking up and removing the tug or tow bar to avoid hitting the paint.

N20843 Cessna 172M
- Oil Change - On 19 June, Larry changed the oil and filter and added 7 qts Phillips X/C 20W50 Oil and 11 oz of Camguard, There was no metal in the filter and the oil analysis results were normal.
- Cessna Tug - Larry purchased a motorized EZ-Tow similar to the one used for the Arrow and set it up for use with the Cessna. The electric tug that we had used for the Cessna is now set up for use with the RV
N2242N Piper Arrow IV
- Wings - The repair kit for the LH wing arrived on 28 June and will be installed on the wing now that the RV engine installation and condition inspection are complete.
- Shock Mounts - We have not heard back from Aircraft Spruce or Lord on the path forward with the Lord mounts currently installed on the Arrow. Lord said the Service Instruction Letter is still in their legal department and they can't comment until it is released. We will press them again next week to see what the direction is.
Copyright © 2018, St. Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated July 2024