St. Louis Flying Club Newsletter - 31 Mar 2007 |
From The President - By Todd Michal
Dear Members,
It looks like the better than average weather for March has allowed most of us to get back in the air again.
John had the turn coordinator overhauled again and it was reinstalled on 31 Mar. Hopefully it will work for a longer time period. We have a scheduled date of May 15th to have the WAAS upgrade done on the Garmin 430. It will take about two weeks for the upgrade so we will only have one com and one NAV for that time frame. We are hoping to have the painting done at the same time so it should not be much of an impact.
Happy Takeoffs!

Treasurer's Report - by Mike McBride
The Adjusted Treasury showed a slight decrease in March. Fuel price was held steady at $4.40 per gallon.

Maintenance - by John 
- Rate Gyro - The Rate Gyro was removed on 21 March and sent back to Century Instrument Co for warranty repair. I received the overhauled unit back and installed it on 31 March. There was a problem with the Gyro motor brushes. The aircraft can now be used for IFR flight again.
- EDM-700 Engine Monitor with Fuel Flow computer - Here is a lower cost option for the engine monitor with Fuel Flow. We can install a 2 1/8 inch
indicator for approximately $1,950 or about $240 per member. For an additional $20 per member, can add a oil temperature sender to the EDM-700 and get a more accurate digital readout of oil temperature. The AOPA online appraisal shows the value of the aircraft will increase by $2,600 with the installation of an engine monitor and fuel flow indicator so it will be a good investment as well.
- WAAS Upgrade - We have a scheduled date of 15 May with Garmin to upgrade the GNS-430 for WAAS operation. I plan to remove the unit on May 9th and send it to Garmin so it arrives by May 15th. They say it will take about 2 weeks for the upgrade and return shipping to us.
Paint Status - We are tentatively planning to take the plane down to Bolivar Tennessee on May 12-13 for the new paint job. This date may change due to the progress on the aircraft currently being painted at Executive Wings.
Copyright © 1999, St. Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated Mar 2007.