From The President - By Pic
Dear Members, Our old benevolent corporation has been dissolved and the club name has now been officially changed to St. Louis Flying Club, Inc. The only step left to do is to apply for our Federal Tax ID. I will be coordinating that with our Treasurer, Mike McBride. I haven't received the final bill from the lawyer yet. Phil Self's requested approval of Brian Borton as a Check CFI to complete his Arrow Checkout and work on his Instrument rating. More than 2/3 of the members approved Brian as a Check CFI and I met with him at Spirit to familiarize him with the aircraft, avionics and systems. Brian's name and # were added to the bottom of the member list indicating that he is an approved check CFI, in addition to Todd, Dale and myself. Congratulations to Phil on completing his Arrow checkout this month. Shiv completed his 2052nm round trip to the Bahamas last week (KSUS-KVLD-KORL-MYAM-KFPR-KORL-KGAD-KSUS). Shiv is working on a trip overview with photos and video for next months newsletter which should be very interesting.
The warm weather has been conducive to flying as long as you avoid the strong winds! Happy Landings! Pic
Fuel prices at TACAir remained relatively stable for the month; however, analysis of fuel consumption on the two aircraft showed that we're running about 0.5 gallon per hour higher than has been factored into the hourly rate calculations (9.0 vs. 8.5 for the C172, and 11.0 vs. 10.5 for the Arrow). Adjustment for this consumption raised the hourly rate slightly this month, with rates at $78 and $103 for the C172 and Arrow, respectively. Escrow balances are as expected at this point; treasury is strong at just under $1,500, but Adjusted Treasury (reflective of member overpaid balances) is slightly negative at ($500). This latter figure represents our "true" financial posture at this point in time; the figure includes the fuel purchases associated with the Feb-Mar flight time, but does not account for the flight charges for those hours (about $2,900 in charges due on this statement). Net overall is that we're in good shape from a treasury standpoint. Just a reminder that all Limited memberships will need to convert to Full memberships by the end of this year. Please contact me if you have any questions about that conversion. Fly safely! Mike
Maintenance - by John N20843