From The President - By Charley
Members: And finally, some good weather is upon us! The flight hours certainly picked up near the end of this month as the welcomed warmer weather began to nudge out old man winter. A big thanks to John and Kip for putting a battery minder on the Arrow to keep the battery fully charged when there is a long gap between flights. The minder connects near the same plug used for the engine heater and has a protective cap to be put on the plug when not in use. The minder has worked so well, John will be purchasing and installing another one for the Cessna to improve battery life and eliminate batteries draining between flights. Please remember to plug the minder back in after flying. Steve Heidenreich scheduled our next club meeting for May 17th, thanks Steve! As has become the norm, it looks like we will be having a brief cookout after the meeting for socializing also, so plan on sticking around a bit afterwards if you are able. The Club Officers will be getting together on April 19th with the Improvement Committee to discuss recommendations for aircraft upgrades and other agenda items to be discussed at our May meeting. If you have an item you would like to see put on the agenda for the May meeting please drop me a note as soon as you are able. Our goal is to get an agenda out to members no later than 7 days before each meeting to give everyone time to be thinking about items to be discussed. It would be ideal if we could get your agenda items for review before the April 19th Officer meeting. The Flying League created by T.J. will kick off on April 1st, I’m hearing some good feedback from members about the opportunity. Since it appears the weather is going to break soon, I look forward to hearing about our first points scored in April……..will it be you? See you all at the airport! Safe flights, Charley
Members, This month's average gas price was $6.44 (up $.28), raising the hourly costs to $79 and $104. Dues stayed the same at $121. Share value decreased to $10,637. I added the credit card "cash back" balance to the statement, currently up to $350. That's for info only, I don't include it in the share value. Fly Safely! PIC
Maintenance - by John N20843