From The President - By Charley
Dear Members: It looks like Spring is upon us bringing with it some great flying weather. I hope that everyone has a chance to enjoy some soon! Our club meeting is coming up on May 13th at 9:00 a.m., please plan to attend or provide your proxy for any votes required. As usual, we will have a BBQ after the meeting as a time to socialize. Tim will be looking for volunteers to purchase food, cook, set up tables etc. for the BBQ. if you are interested and able please drop him a note with what you are willing to help with. We will again be inviting prospective members to the BBQ after the meeting for them to get to know our club, ask questions and socialize with members. If you know of someone who might be interested that may not have filled out an application feel free to invite them or drop me a note and I will make contact along with the other prospective members. We will need a headcount for food so if you invite someone on your own, please drop Tim a note. I will be inviting club instructors to attend. As a quick reminder, Officers will be meeting on April 19th to compile topics for the meeting, if you have something you would like to propose, please do so as far in advance as possible to ensure we can compile enough information to have it added to the agenda. We plan to publish the meeting agenda with any associated information about a week before the meeting to give members a chance to consider topics and ask questions prior to the meeting. Another item which will be on the agenda is the Oshkosh lottery drawing. Steve Heidenreich will send an email out asking for members who wish to take an aircraft to Oshkosh this year. We will draw names out of a hat at the May meeting so please be thinking about if you are interested in going and in what aircraft. A full explanation of the process for the lottery can be found in the member handbook. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone in May! Safe skies, Charley
Fellow Members, With our new systems of fixing the aircraft rates and the showing of a full balance sheet, there is not much to report month to month. On a positive note, with the Arrow engine rebuild complete and insurance paid, cash flows are positive and should stay that way for the remainder of the year. Please let me know if you have any questions. Fly safe! TJ
Maintenance - by John N8746V Citabria 7ECA Altitude Encoder - On March 12, TJ reported that the transponder was not transmitting altitude information. Larry flew the Citabria on 15 March and the transponder was transmitting correct altitude data for awhile but then transmitted incorrect altitude data than none at all. A new altitude Encoder was ordered and installed on 23 March. Jim Mueller completed the required Transponder check on 24 March and the aircraft is back in service. N20843 Cessna 172M
N2242N Piper Arrow IV Oil Analysis - Oil analysis results from the first oil change since engine installation show all readings are normal for a newly overhauled engine.