St. Louis Flying Club Newsletter - 31March 2024 |
From The President - By Steve
Dear Members,
The officers are working to set a date and agenda for our Spring meeting so if there is something
you think should be addressed contact one of us. If you are looking for a way to contribute
we are always looking for someone to do the "safety message", or clean a hangar, clean an airplane,
clean the office, etc.
Oshkosh will be here before you know it so keep in mind the lottery system used for that event.
Brian Williams will get the information out on when and how to request an airplane. We should have
2 planes available and with any luck all three flying by then.
We are coming out of a pretty mild winter with just one cold spell and now some blustery winds showing up.
Not surprising the Cessna got a lot of use. It will be good to get the RV back and then the Arrow later in the summer.
Be aware the South runway is closed until May 10th and another reminder of the low sewer grate
leaving the Yellow Ramp.

Treasurer's Report - by T.J
- Thanks everyone for sending in their receipts! Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.
- Good news, our 2023 tax form (990-EZ) has been filed and accepted by the IRS; another year in the books.
- Consistent with last month, we spent funds for the RV and Arrow and these amounts are reflected in cash, with an increase in Work in Progress. We will continue to record here until the planes are placed back into service at which time the improvement account will be "zero'd out" and the planes will be recorded at fair market value.
- A friendly reminder that the club has approved up to an $800 assessment to cover the costs associated with the RV; at the moment, it still appears that we will have enough cash to not need to do an assessment.
- Please don't hesitate to let me know if you have any questions.

Maintenance - by John 
N202CR RV-7A
- Annual Inspection/Engine Installation - Work continues on the RV in preparation for installing the engine, hopefully later this month. The nose wheel tire and tube were changed and the breakout force on the nose gear fork was adjusted. The condition inspection of the airframe aft of the firewall has been completed.
- Engine - Last update from Signature Engines indicates Crankshaft and Crankcase should be back from suppliers in early April and it will take about 2-3 weeks to finish the engine after these parts arrive. This puts the engine delivery at the end of April, early May.
N20843 Cessna 172M
- Oil Change - On March 20, the oil and filter were changed. The Oil filter was clean with no metal found and the oil analysis results were good.
- Fuel Flow Readings - The fuel flow reading on the JPI engine monitor were erratic on a few flights but has seemed to become more normal on recent flights. We ordered a new fuel flow sensor and will change it if the readings become erratic again.
N2242N Piper Arrow IV
- RH Wing - Work progresses on the wings. While waiting for the engine, we are doing some Piper Service Bulletin inspections.
- Piper SB 1006 - The LH and RH fuel tanks were removed to check for spar cap corrosion. We didn't see any corrosion behind the tanks and all the structure looked good. While the tanks were removed we replaced the fuel sender gaskets and replaced the vent line flexible hoses and will spray the spar area with a corrosion preventive coating.
- Piper SB-1161D - This SB was issued on Feb 19, 2024 to inspect for cracks in the forward and aft wing ribs at Wing stations 49.25. Unfortunately, cracks were found on the aft wing ribs on both the left and right wings. We ordered the repair kit and drawings for the RH wing and will order the LH Wing kit when it is available.
- Engine - Poplar Grove reported that the engine case inspection was completed with no issues found. The Crankshaft was still in inspection and they didn't have the final results yet.
- Propellor - The new McCauley propellor, Part Number B2D34C213/2F90DHA-16, was received from Memphis Propellor on March 26th.
Copyright © 2018, St. Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated April 2024