From The President - By Todd Michal
Dear Members, It has been a busy month for the club with the annual inspection on the Skyhawk and the addition of a new member. Of course the big news with the annual this year is the need for an engine overhaul. We knew this time was coming, but it still came as a surprise when I heard the compression results from John. We are so fortunate to have an A&P and several mechanically talented members in the club. The contributions of John, Bob, Mike, Mike, Pic, and Dale to the annual and removing/shipping of the engine have saved the club a great deal of money. In fact, the cost of the overhaul will be less than the increase in the valuation of the C172, so thanks guys for all your work. Shiv Patil became the 13th member of the club this month. Shiv was able to fly the C172 for one short flight before the annual, so he is eager to get back into the air. We are also working to finalize the memberships of Philip Self (14th) and Mike Kanan (15th). Both Philip and Mike have received the require 4/5 positive member vote and are working to arrange their share payments. We have two applications for the final spot and will be working to get to full membership by early June. The birds continue to be a problem in the shade port, so continue to be on the look out for bird activity during your pre-flight inspection. We have dug several nests out of the C-172 and the Arrow. While trouble shooting a navigation light squawk in the Arrow this week, John found a nest in the left wingtip which had disconnected the wire to the navigation light! Dale has been working on a mesh cover for the arrow that would more easily cover the nose landing gear bay and would attach with bungee cords. If any of the members can sew (or has a wife that can sew), please let us know so we can finish the cover. Charley Royce heard from the Airport Administration this week. We are next on the list for a hangar. At this point we don't know the location or the type of hangar that will become available. A vote is in progress to pre approve signing a lease on a second hangar. This will prepare us to act quickly when the hangar does become available. The engine should be shipped back in the next couple of weeks. There will be plenty of work to get the engine installed back onto the plane and complete the annual inspection, so if you can help out, that would be great. Happy Takeoffs! Todd
Fuel prices rose slightly this month at TACAir, to $5.53 per gallon; this puts the flight rates at $65 and $88 per hour. Flight hours were moderate for the month, reflecting the rainy weather we've had recently. The Arrow equity fund balance continues to run below budget, reflecting spending in excess of budget. We are currently expecting to recover some of the shortfall, but a small assessment for Full members looks likely once our membership has been filled and all target expenditures finalized. I have included a financial review of the overhaul and annual expense for the C172 on this month's statement. At this point, we're expecting the overhaul to cost right at $15,000; additional annual expenses should run around $3,500 (including the repair on the engine mount). The funds available to cover these expenses include the engine fund, the C172 improvement fund, and $900 in annual budget in the treasury. If these expense amounts hold, the per-member assessment to cover the funds shortfall will be just over $600 per member. I have included an assessment of $300 on this month's statement, as we'll need to maintain liquidity with the major expenses coming due prior to next month's statement. Hopefully we'll have all the annual expenses identified by the June statement, and can finalize the remainder of the assessment (hopefully very close to, or less than, this month's $300 add-on). We're also adjusting the new member buy-in upward, from $10,783 to $11,400. This $617 increase is in line with the planned assessments for existing members, and reflects the increased valuation of the C172 following overhaul. If the actual overhaul expenses call for a larger assessment for existing members, then we'll adjust the buy-in (or assess the new members incrementally, if already in the club) to keep the contributions consistent with those of recently added full members. Fly safely! Mike
Maintenance - by John N20843 Annual Inspection - We started the annual inspection on 30 April and after a circuit around the airport to warm up the oil, we did a compression test. The results were #1 40/80, #2 75/80, #3 75/80, and #4 0/80. We checked the oil filter and screen and did not find anything. We decided to run the engine to warm it up again and try another compression test just to make sure and we got the same results. WIth 1900 hours on the engine and two cylinders below 60/80, we decided it was time for an overhaul. The engine was take to Poplar Groves Airmotive for the overhaul on 6 May. During inspection at Poplar Groves, two cracks were found in the case so we will have an additional charge for the case repair. Mike McBride stopped by on 20 April and took a few photos of the engine in the inspection cycle. The following other maintenance actions will be done along with the engine overhaul: