From The President - By Charley
Members: It was great to see so many of you at our recent club meeting. We accomplished a lot and the improvement committee provided a great overview of short and long term improvements recommended for both planes. Steve Heidenreich produced minutes for the meeting outlining the changes agreed to which can be found here. If you are interested in reviewing the presentation given at the meeting, a PDF version can be found here. There was a lot of good information communicated and questions answered regarding future updates to our aircraft, feel free to drop John or myself a note if you were not able to make the meeting and have questions about anything discussed. Dom made updates to our handbook which everyone now has electronically (via email) and has been uploaded to the website and placed in each of the aircraft tach logs. As a reminder, we have an updated aircraft discrepancy procedure added to the handbook, please give it a look so you are familiar when the need arises. John Waddell provided BBQ Pork for lunch which was outstanding and provided us the opportunity to socialize a bit and walk down to see the floor paint in B23 to determine if it is something we might want to do in our hangars. If you have been flying lately, be sure to send T.J. your flight destinations and particulars to update the League tables. The League is a great way to encourage members to try new airports and fly together whenever possible, thanks for organizing T.J.! Our meetings always remind me of what a great club this is and everyone’s willingness to pitch in and make our club the best it can be, thanks to you all! I hope everyone gets a chance to enjoy some great spring weather while it lasts…..Talk to you all next month.
Happy landings, Charley
MINUTES - STLFC 5/17 MEETING Attending – Charley Royce, Mike Piccirilli, John Heilmann, Steve Heidenreich, Kip McCullen, T.J. Smyka, John Waddell, Dom Bausano, Phil Self, and Bob Zbylut. Charley opened with the Presidents report. There are currently 2 viable candidates on the waiting list. Thanks to Dom for updating the Members Handbook, and a request for all members to review same for proper handling of engine heat, battery tender and new squawk procedures. There were minor changes to the by-laws regarding handling memberships in arrears for more than 6 months. An improvement committee has been formed and members should direct suggestions for future upgrades to Kip. Arrangements are being made to have the new lockers delivered. A request was made for all members to provide John with emergency contact info as well as any changes in their email, phone, etc. Chris was unable to attend but a V.P. update given by Charley noted our club insurance was up to date and we have had no scheduling issues. There was discussion over club being more proactive on members medical and BFR status. Chris or Charley to check on inviting our Insurance Broker to the next meeting. The Treasurers report by Pic listed flight times, treasury status, and maintenance budget. His analysis of previous spending on the airplanes indicates we are setting aside sufficient funds in the hourly rates and there is no need to change. He also noted the rebate he arranged from Sporty’s for all member purchases. A Maintenance/Improvement Committee update was provided by John. The annual on the Arrow was good news with nothing major. He installed the GDL 39 and removed the DME. Decision was made to install inexpensive CO2 monitors as maintenance items ASAP. John provided updates on panel options for future upgrades and discussed possible changes in December of 2015 allowing the use of LS/Experimental equipment, greatly lowering cost for those upgrades. Information was provided on Improvement Committee suggestions for ADS-B OUT installation at a cost of approximately $3700 per plane, a standby vacuum system for the AI/DG at <$500 per plane, new air vents for the Cessna and database updates for the Aera in both planes. Votes were held on 4 issues with all members present voting and also Chris Tebbe and Todd Michal voting by proxy.
It was noted that after paying for the items voted above, the Treasury balance will be approximately $9,000. Actions Taken at the meeting
Meeting ended with lunch provided by John Waddell.
Members, The annual was completed for substantially less than the $1,200 escrowed for it. The savings have increased the Treasury and Shareholder value to $10,724. The monthly dues and hourly costs are unchanged. Fly Safely! PIC
Maintenance - by John N20843