St. Louis Flying Club Newsletter - 27 May 2020 |
From The President - By Steve
Dear Members,
Our Spring meeting took place via teleconference and a lot of good information was presented. Thanks to Mike Landgraf for organizing the meeting and following up with the minutes. John Housley started it off with a safety message, followed by John Heilmann with updates on the status of the planes and TJ explained the financials. Geoff Galaway with aviation insurance updates. We will have some choices to make in the near future regarding the upgrades to the Arrow. The officers will present our recommendation on how to pay for those upgrades and it will probably include adding a member.
Congratulations to Damian Mahoney as he finishes basic training at Fort Leonard Wood. Tim Volk has been back in town since the Covid issue but it looks like he may be heading back to Switzerland soon. The planes don't fly as much when Damian and Tim are out of town!
Here's hoping our Fall meeting will be at the hangar instead of on a telephone.
Tim coming back and Steve heading out for some actual instrument practice
Safe flying!
Treasurer's Report - by T.J
Fellow Members,
Attached below are our May financial schedules; don’t hesitate to call with questions.
Blue Skies
Nothing worth discussion; let me know if you have any questions.
- As a reminder to the membership, we reimburse ourselves for our club as follows:
- Improvements - Monthly/Annual Fixed charges – non-aircraft expense = Dues and Assessments
- Aircraft Operation and Maintenance = Rate per Hour
Maintenance - by John
N202CR RV-7A
- Primer line failure - On May 23rd, TJ called and said the RV was running a little rough at idle but ran normally during the run-up. When he added power to taxi out on the runway for takeoff, the engine surged multiple times and almost died. TJ taxied back to the hangar for troubleshooting. The engine cowls were removed and after an inspection of the engine, we found that the primer line going to Cylinder 2 had cracked and came out of the cylinder fitting. The failed primer line let air into the intake manifold and caused a very lean mixture causing the engine to run rough at idle. The broken primer line would also squirt fuel on the engine when priming to start which is not a good thing. TJ did an excellent job noticing that something wasn't right and calling about it. After checking the other primer lines, we installed the cowls and took it up for a 1.1 hour flight where everything operated normally.
N20843 Cessna 172
- Oil Change - On May 23rd, the oil and filter were changed and the Oil cooler winterization plate was removed. The oil sample was send in for analysis.
N2242N Piper Arrow IV