St. Louis Flying Club Newsletter - 31 November 2017 |
From The President - By Charley
Dear Members:
I wish everyone a happy and healthy holiday season! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at our club holiday get together on January 10th. Thanks to Tim Volk for arranging the get together and Pic for arranging the use of the clubhouse in his subdivision. If you have not yet let Tim know of your intention to attend and what you plan to bring, please do so as soon as you are able.
As a reminder, John Housley is still collecting pictures / short bios for publishing on the website, it will be a good way for everyone to get to know each other. Given our size, it is sometimes hard to place faces with names at functions and this will be an easy way to do that. Thanks John for offering and coordinating this great idea.
T.J. has outlined the impact of our recent assessment on the Aircraft Improvement Fund and John is busy working on purchasing the equipment needed for the upgrade and is hoping to have the project started soon. We are waiting for Garmin to gain approval for the autopilot STC and ship the remaining autopilot hardware before we down the aircraft for the mod. Thanks to everyone’s support of the upgrades, we are on our way to much more capable aircraft!
I’m hoping to seeing a lot of you on the 10th and here is to a happy and joyfull holiday season! Safe skies,

Treasurer's Report - by T.J
Fellow Members,
The November billing statement is included below with the following comments:
- Assessment – The $207 October assessment is now priced into the balance sheet and reflected in the “Aircraft Improvement – Avionics” fund. Note that the fund is still negative (meaning that we have borrowed money from other buckets), but this level was projected when we approved the improvements. The club expects that this negative will slowly work down over the next 12-24 months, depending on how much we actually receive when we sell the old avionics.
- Fuel – Congratulations! We did not use TacAir full service for the entire month. That being said, they gladly provided us with the price we would have paid. And it increased - again. Full service went from $6.58 in October to $6.72 in November. Given our process, this reduces the amount we put into our maintenance funds. Regardless, the aircraft rates will remain the same and we currently project to be well funded into the foreseeable future.
- Treasury – The treasury is in positive territory but will move negative after next month as we pay our insurance premiums and personal property taxes. We account for these items each month so there will be no impact to the share value.
Please call or write with questions.
Blue Skies

Maintenance - by John 
N8746V Citabria 7ECA
- Citabria Annual - The Citabria Annual was completed on 1 Nov. The Vacuum pump and remaining vacuum system components were removed. The compression results were very good with readings of 76/80, 77/80, 77/80 and 77/80. The LH and RH magnetos were removed for a 500 hour inspection and then reinstalled.
- Door Lock - Had reports that the Citabria door lock would not turn. The lock was lubricated and now works correctly.
N20843 Cessna 172M
- Gascolator Fuel Drain - Larry spotted fuel stains under the forward gascolator fuel drain indicating a failed plunger O-ring. The fuel drain O-ring was replaced and the leak stopped.
N2242N Piper Arrow IV
- Oil Sump Quick Drain - Excessive Oil was spotted on the nose gear doors and gear linkage after a flight on 16 Nov. Larry trouble shoot the problem to a leaking oil sump quick drain. Larry installed a new quick drain and the leak was fixed.
Copyright © 2017, St. Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated Dec 2017