St. Louis Flying Club Newsletter - 31 November 2018

From The President - By Steve

Greetings Members:

It was great to see such a large turnout at the November meeting. We accomplished a lot, amending the Bylaws to create a Chief Pilot position and standardizing a time frame for aircraft valuations. We also approved a panel upgrade for the RV to take place during the annual this Spring. Thanks to John Addy for taking on the handbook updates.

I am happy to introduce Randy Tielking as our newest member. He is taking Dom Bausano's place and is really interested in getting up in the RV. We had 4 great candidates that were prepared to join. It was a tough choice but that is a nice position to be in and is directly related to the condition of the aircraft and the financials. Many thanks to John and TJ!

The club Christmas party is scheduled for December 23rd. As the club gets bigger I think this is a good way to stay in touch and meet new members. There will be more to come but please mark your calendar and let John Housley and TJ know if you plan to attend.

Happy Thanksgiving and Safe Flying.


Treasurer's Report - by T.J

Fellow Members,

Attached below are our 11/15/18 financial schedules; we’ve gone with the section approach again so please be sure to read all the way down, each section is divided with a thick line. Thank you to everyone for making payments in the month!

Blue Skies


Billing Statement

The billing statement is attached below, please let me know if you have any questions.


There are several items to note on the balance sheet this month, including:

  1. Thanks again to those that brought their accounts current, as you can see we had a large increase in the general treasury, largely represented by the significant drop in the receivable due from members;
  2. We’ve spent $1,700 on the Cessna Annual thus far, thus the drop in the Cessna Maintenance/Annual Fund
  3. We reallocated $2,000 from the general treasury to the Avionics Fund.
  4. The “Major Work” line item dropped in the month as we wrote-off some of the value. The total amount spent so far, less what we expect to sell, exceeds the value of the “New Cessna”, so an adjustment was made.

   Maintenance - by John

N202CR RV-7A

  • Oil/Filter Change - The oil and filter were changed on 5 November. Oil analysis results were good with no abnormal readings.

N20843 Cessna 172M

  • Annual Inspection & Avionics Upgrade - The avionics upgrade and annual inspection are continuing with the first power on testing occurring today. The interfaces to the G5s, GDL-88, GTX-33 and the GFC-500 are currently being configured. We were hoping to have the annual and upgrades completed by Dec 9th but it may take until Dec 16 to complete the configuration setup, and do all the ground and flight testing required to verify the new systems.

N2242N Piper Arrow IV

  • Oil/Filter Change - The oil and filter were changed on 7 November. Oil analysis results were good with no abnormal readings

Copyright © 2018, St. Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated Nov 2018 .
