Dear Members, This has been the month for maintenance. The annual was done and uncovered no mayor problems. The only squawks were to replace the left tire, replace the ELT battery and replace some spacers on the co-pilot seat rollers. The engine checked out near perfect with three cylinders at 79/80 and the other at 80/80. Thanks to Bill, Emerson, Chuck and C.J. for providing the manpower on the annual. Their help saved the club $200! In addition to the annual maintenance the battery was replaced, the engine crankshaft seal was replaced, the primer was repaired and COM #2 and NAV#1 were repaired. Special thanks to Bill for running down the new battery, working on the primer and running the plane over to have the crankshaft seal replaced. The only maintenance items I have identified that still need to be worked are the turn coordinator, auto-pilot, the pilot side armrest, alternator whine in COM #2, ATC transponder test/inspection and altimeter system and altitude reporting equipment test/inspection. Emerson is taking the plane to Ozark Radio to have COM #2 checked and to do the transponder and altimeter tests/inspections. If anybody is familiar with how the armrests attach, please let me know. The turn coordinator and auto-pilot need to be taken out of the plane to be checked by Premier Air Center at Civic Memorial. I'm looking for a volunteer who could fly the plane over during a local flight so the equipment can be removed. They are only open on weekdays. We got the refund check for the right magneto. The treasury is in good shape. No new news on a court date. Bill put an ad in the paper to sell his share. Charlie has also shown an interest in selling his share. If you know of anyone interested please let them know. Happy Landings, Mike Piccirilli
PAST NEWSLETTERS ![]() Copyright © 1999, St Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated March 2003. |