From The President - By Todd Michal
Dear Members, I want to thank John, Dale and Charley for installing the new 406 MHz ELT in the Arrow last week. John reported that even though the limited access made the installation more difficult than anticipated, they were able to finish the job with minimal down time. The wiring for the optional GPS position broadcast capability was installed back to the ELT location in the tail cone and will be installed in the future when the special connector and installation tools are available in the next week or so. Even with out the GPS position broadcast, the new 406 MHz ELT ten times more accurate in position accuracy than the previous 121.5 ELTs (~2 mile radius vs 15-20 mile radius). When the optional GPS position reporting capability is operating, the position accuracy will be down to a 300 Foot radius. Special thanks goes out to Mike W. for making arrangements for the club meeting. The meeting is scheduled for Saturday, 12 November from 1:30 to 3:30. The meeting will be held at the St. Louis County Library, Sachs Branch, located at 16400 Burkhardt, Chesterfield. I will be sending out an agenda for the meeting later this week. If you have any items to place on the meeting agenda, please send them to Mike or myself. If you have recently renewed your medical, or completed a BFR, please send the information to John or Chris so they can update the "Member Status" section of the web site. Check out PICs latest trip to Farmington, MO on the "Fly-in Destination" page. I look forward to seeing everyone at the club meeting. Happy Takeoffs! Todd
Fuel prices dropped slightly for the month, so flight rates went down to $71 and $95 per hour. Expenses for the month were as expected. The Treasury balance is strong at just under $2,430; adjusted treasury is negative due to some large member credit balances. Full share value is just under $11,100, and Limited share value is just under $7,200; Limited member upgrade price is $3,925. The format of the billing statement has been modified this month, in an attempt to make monthly updates a bit easier to process. If you can't find information you are used to seeing on the billing statement, please let me know. Finally, I'd like to ask all members for their focus in making payments prior to the 15th of the month. By club rules, members carrying a balance due are not eligible to fly club aircraft. While we do not like to strictly enforce this rule, it is important for all of us to keep our accounts current, if for nothing other than as a courtesy to all other club members. Thanks for your cooperation. Fly safely! Mike
Maintenance - by John N20843
Copyright © 2010, St. Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated October 2011. |