From The President - By Charley
Dear Members: Congratulations to Steve Heidenreich on earning his IFR rating on 27 October. This is a very challenging rating to get and it is great to see our members earning additional ratings and flight proficiency. I’m looking forward to seeing everyone at our November 1st meeting at 9:00 in the club hangar. We will be discussing further upgrade of club aircraft to comply with ADS-B requirements and other items to simplify interaction between panel mount avionics and tablets. We also have heard interest from members regarding the addition of additional aircraft. To further that discussion, Pic has prepared a sample scenario of an aircraft we know to be for sale to help everyone visualize what adding a plane would potentially mean for club finances. The proposal distributed is simply an example of something that could be pursued if the club decided it is the right course of action, other options exist and I am sure we will discuss a few on Saturday. Please take a minute to read the email brief and attached presentations regarding these recommended improvements and other options. If you have questions before the meeting, please feel free to contact myself or any of the officers to discuss. One of the best parts of our club for me is getting to know people who have the same interests I do. To foster opportunities for socializing, we have begun the practice of a quick BBQ lunch after each of the club meetings. Saturday, November 1st should bring some good weather for a cookout. Please plan on staying a bit after the meeting to enjoy lunch and time to socialize with other members. Lastly, another huge thanks to John, Kip and a whole host of others in the club who assisted with the Cessna annual inspection and avionics upgrade, the plane looks outstanding! Looking forward to seeing you all on Saturday! Safe skies, Charley
Latest Cessna Panel with AERA relocated to below GNS-430W
Members, No change in the fuel cost or recurring expenses so hourly rates and monthly dues are unchanged. Though there were many maintenance costs this month they were covered by the C-172 annual cost projection. The cost of the Arrow Hydraulic Pump repair should hit the books next month. The Share Value is basically unchanged at $10,857. The adjusted Treasury value is $18,396.
Maintenance - by John N20843