From The President - By Steve
Dear Members: This month Charley Royce notified the officers that he would not run for president in our November elections. He has taken a new position with his company that requires extensive international travel. Charley has been president for 5 years and during that time we have grown from 2 airplanes and 16 members to 3 airplanes and 24 members. Charley worked tirelessly behind the scenes and upfront as the face of the club to help get us where we are today. In November he will step down as president, leaving our club in great shape going forward. We have 3 wonderfully equipped airplanes, nice facilities and a solid financial position, all of which would be the envy of many clubs. A big thank you to Charley for all the work and congratulations on his new position! I want to welcome John Addy as our 24th member. John managed to get checked out in the Cessna before the scheduled down time for the annual and major upgrades that include a GTN750, 2 G5's and a 2 axis autopilot. John and Larry Wehrman are making good progress on the project and will have more details and photos in next months newsletter. I would like to congratulate Geoff Galloway as the new Vice President and John Housley as clubs first Chief Pilot. The minutes from our November 4th meeting will be in next months newsletter. Steve
Fellow Members, The item of note this month is the fact that we added the $500 assessment for the payment of the new aircraft. All other items are routine with the exception of the high usage of the aircraft! Great job!! Blue Skies TJ
Maintenance - by John N202CR RV-7A
N20843 Cessna 172M
N2242N Piper Arrow IV