From The President - By Mike Piccirilli
I'd like to welcome John Heilmann as the newest member of the club. Jerry Graklanoff has finalized the sale of his share to John. I have notified NationAir of the change in club members. john has the signed certificate and will be giving it to me. I will pass it on to Todd, so he can create a new one. Todd, please update the club roster. I will be checking John out in the plane and our club procedures in the near future. ![]()
Earlier this year we received the valuation of the plane for the personal property tax, and it actually went down instead of up. I lowered the estimate of the tax based on that. We just received the actual bill, and the tax is a little less than estimated. The excess is shown as a transfer from escrow to the treasury. It seems like the charges for fuel show up on the credit card in bunches. Some months have almost no charges, and the charges for a month and a half show up.
From the Editor - from Marlin Sipe
My printer at home blew up (literally), so I'm struggling a lttle getting things done. Looks like I can print the newsletter at work, but I'am back to hand-addressing the envelopes for awhile. The newsletter is a little late this month because I was out of town over the weekend. I had the plane in Indiana for a couple days.
The pitot-static check is due at the end of this month. I think we are going to try to get it done in the first few days of November, which will bump it back by a month for the next time. As reported last month, the transponder check is not due for a while, but we will probably have it done anyway to get them back in sync. Having them done at the same time doesn't cost much more than doing just the one, so in the long run it will save money, and make it more convenient (plane isn't down for maintenance an extra time, and is less likely to be forgotten). The ELT batteries are due to be replaced in November, so we will be ordering new batteries soon.
PAST NEWSLETTERS ![]() Copyright © 1999, St Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated 18 October 1999. |