From The President - By Charley
Dear Members: Fall is finally upon us which should bring some great flying weather between now and the winter months, be sure to take advantage before the holidays take over! The Cessna annual is nearly complete in conjunction with the upgrades we voted on at our last meeting. I showed up last Saturday to a hangar full of members helping out with the Annual Inspection and found Kip in the Corporate Headquarters sitting in the middle of miles of avionics cable! A huge thank you to everyone who has worked to help with the annual inspection, everyone pitching in helps to keep the downtime to a minimum and gives John and Kip some company! A special thanks to John and Kip who have worked extensively to turn our votes for aircraft improvements into reality. Thanks to Steve for coordinating our next club meeting on November 1st at 9:00. If you have items that you would like to get on the agenda please drop me a note, the officer group will be meeting in the next couple of weeks to finalize a list of topics to discuss. Look forward to seeing you all in November. Safe skies, Charley
PIC helping with the annual inspection close up effort Installation of the Standby Vacuum System. Kip working on the Harnesses for the upgrade installation Center stack removed to relocate AERA and install new system interfaces Kip installing the new Vacuum gage with the "improved access" behind the panel
Members, The fuel price went down slightly with a slight change in hourly rates, $78 and $102. The monthly dues stayed the same. Share Value has popped back up to $10,865 as the huge August flight hour expenses were paid this month. The GDL 88 was purchased for the C-172 for $3,205. The improvement fund was used to pay for most of it and the delta was taken from the Treasury. The adjusted treasury is very healthy at just over $18,500.
Maintenance - by John N20843