From The President - By Charley
Dear Members: Thanks to John and Larry for continuing to troubleshoot the #4 cylinder on the Arrow. If you have not had a chance to see the engine analyzer data available for this type of troubleshooting it is truly amazing. John and Larry have used that data to pinpoint the problem to the #4 cylinder and have now sent the data off to Savvy Analysis for further input on the problem. The engine monitors and the troubleshooting data provided is a huge time saver and worth every penny spent to narrow down problem spots. Steve will have a note out shortly with details and an agenda but please mark your calendar for our Fall meeting which will be on October 15th at 9:30 am in the club hangar. We will hold a social hour afterwards for lunch where we will invite prospective members and club flight instructors to attend as well. Please plan to stay until about 12:30 or so if you would like to enjoy lunch with your fellow club members. One of the key elements of our upcoming meeting is the annual Officer election. Pic has voiced a desire to step aside as treasurer to bring someone new into the position and let someone else gain experience in this critical role. All other officers have agreed to serve in their current capacity, although that is not necessarily how the positions need to remain! We believe that some level of rotation in the officer ranks is a good thing to make sure that member desires and viewpoints are accurately represented and that we do not get stuck in our ways. With that being said, please let myself or Steve Heidenreich know if you have interest in an office or would like to nominate someone to serve. In addition to items stated in the By-Laws, below are some key responsibilities fulfilled by each role:
If one of the above positions does not fit you, we have a full list of club responsibilities on the website under “Club Documents” where you might find something that interests you. As we are a club, nothing happens without one of our members stepping up to provide leadership in one way or another! If you have interest in one of the responsibilities please be sure to speak up as there always seems to be something else to be done and a way to get involved. Here is a huge thanks to all of the members who give of their time and talents to make us the great club that we all enjoy so much! See you all in October. Safe skies, Charley
Members, Not much to report this month. The fuel price went up slightly but not enough to change the hourly rates. Monthly dues also stay the same. Share price went up to $10,720. . Maintenance - by John N8746V Citabria 7ECA
N20843 Cessna 172M
N2242N Piper Arrow IV