St. Louis Flying Club Newsletter - 31 September 2019

From The President - By Steve

Dear Members:

Our Fall meeting is set for October 26 at the hangar. The election of officers is on the schedule so please give some thought to serving. Mike Landgraf will have an agenda out soon so mark your calendar and plan time after the meeting for lunch. Hopefully we will have some cooler weather by the end of the month.

The Arrow has done a lot of cross country flying the last couple of months with Charley to Ohio, Damian to Florida and a trip I took with my wife to Charlotte. We flew into Charlotte-Douglas for 5 nights and it was quite an experience. KCLT is ranked as one of the busiest airports in the world and ATC was great working us in with all the jet traffic. Wilson FBO was the best I have ever seen with a 'follow me" truck from the taxiway to parking, help with the bags, air conditioned ride to the office and $15 a night parking. Geoff told me Wilson is also the place to go in Memphis.

For those of you not checked out in the RV you need to give John Housley a call. It is a totally different experience and one I think you will enjoy. No matter which plane you decide to fly John Heilmann and Larry Wehrman have them all in great shape so get out and enjoy the Fall colors.

Safe flying,


Treasurer's Report - by T.J

Fellow Members,

Attached below are our 9/15/19 financial schedules; don’t hesitate to call with questions.

Blue Skies


Billing Statement


Notable Items:

  • We invested $12,000+ in RV avionics; this is reflected as a negative in the improvement fund, offset with a corresponding increase in Work in Progress. As a reminder, this improvement fund will be paid down through the $300 a month allocation out of our dues and when we sell old avionics.
  • Overall cash remains at a strong level, there is plenty to meet our operating needs for the foreseeable future.
  • We revalued the aircraft as they currently exist as of 9/15 and realized a $4,000 increase due to market conditions, the other $12,000 is due to the improvements discussed in the first bullet.


  • The officers completed a detailed analysis of rate per hour as of 9/15/19 and have elected to keep the rental rates the same. As seen in the tables below, the fuel burns were trued as well as the engine funds. Because of changes in fuel burn/engine fund, the maintenance contribution has increased for all three aircraft. While the RV and Arrow are currently at an adequate level, the officers concluded the bolstering the funds was appropriate for the next six months. These rates will be re-evaluated at 3/15/20.
  • As a reminder to the membership, we reimburse ourselves for our club as follows:
    • Improvements - Monthly/Annual Fixed charges – non-aircraft expense = Dues and Assessments
    • Aircraft Operation and Maintenance = Rate per Hour

   Maintenance - by John

N202CR RV-7A

  • No maintenance issues this month.

N20843 Cessna 172M

  • Oil Change - On 3 September, the oil and filter were changed. The spark plugs were removed and cleaned/gapped/rotated and reinstalled. The oil analysis results were good with no issues.

N2242N Piper Arrow IV

  • Oil Change - On 2 September, the oil and filter were changed.

Copyright © 2018, St. Louis Flying Club, All rights reserved. Last updated September 2019 .
